Sunday, September 20, 2009


So...what have the Pearces been up to? Well, I know you're on the edge of your seat. Our lives are just that exciting!! Well, here's a run down...

Marty: What can I say? He's a hard working man. Marty's been busy with the fire department and inspections. These past few days have been filled with "mommy duties." I had my wisdom teeth taken out on Friday and my sweet husband has taken over as care giver and home maker. He's done a great job! The kids are happy, the pantry is well stocked, the house is in order and I'm still in one piece :)

Lauren: As I mentioned, my wisdom teeth came out on Friday. This was very last minute and not at all planned. I was suppose to have had them removed 6 years ago but....I'm a huge chicken and put it off until it was absolutely necessary. Wednesday night, when half of my tooth decayed right into my hand, I figured it was absolutely necessary! Thankfully, the oral surgeon had one spot open Friday morning and graciously scheduled me at the last minute. I have to say that it wasn't nearly as bad as I had anticipated and I even enjoyed getting to spend the day all doped up in the bed :)

Hudson: Little man has spent his days dreaming guessed it....dirt bikes!! We're beginning to wonder if this "phase" is really a phase at all. We're thinking he truly loves dirt bikes! Every now and then we'll take him to the Kawasaki dealership on Highway 70 and let him drool over the bikes. He's made the salesman, Dwayne, into his new best buddy. Dwayne always lets him sit on the "little dirt bike" and even gave him a catalog that he insists we read to him every night before bed. Yes, we read him a motocross catalog as his bed time story. Here's a picture of him on this beloved "DR Z70." He's informed us that he wants this for Christmas. Not too much to ask for right?

Miss Addi girl spends her days playing Mommy. She is loving her baby dolls. She picks them up, slings them into her stroller, drags them around by their arms and just loves on them. I made her a little sling and she thought she was hot stuff. She is beginning to exert her independance more and more and has a little "Addi-tude" when things don't go her way. She went for her 1 year check up and weighed in at 20 1/2 lbs and measured 28". That puts her in the 45 percentile for height and 50th for length. Hudson was always in the upper percentils (no less than 65th) so our little girl is quite the peanut compared to her brother. Here she is with her baby.


Andrea said...

They are so precious! And I love the swing.

Andrea said...

I meant sling?!