Friday, August 28, 2009

Mystery Solved!

Hudson is into dinosaurs! He likes to read about them, talk about them and put his play figures on his dirt bikes and roll them across the floor. We've watched a couple of dvd's where he was introduced to the concept of dinosaurs eating other dinosaurs (yikes!) Well, at breakfast the other morning we had a conversation that went a little something like this....

Hudson: Mommy?
Mommy: Yes buddy?
Hudson: Where are the dinosaurs?
Mommy: They're all dead buddy.
Hudson: Hmmm (he says this alot, like he's deep in thought) How did they die?
Mommy: Well, no one knows for sure. We'll have to ask God one day when we get to heaven.
Hudson: I know how they died!
Mommy: Oh really! How?
Hudson: It was the apple.
Mommy: The apple? What apple?
Hudson: The apple on the tree. It fell and they died.

Asteroids? Nope. The flood? I don't think so. It was the apple. Definitely the apple :)

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