Saturday, April 11, 2009

That's My King!!

This is the 100th post of Four Makes Our Family. For awhile, I was trying to come up with something fun to do for this post. I contemplated posting some fun and random "Pearce Family Trivia," or maybe posting some embarrassing pictures of me and Marty back in our high school days but isn't it a coincidence that our 100th post fell on Easter weekend? Maybe it's no coincidence at all. Maybe this posting shouldn't be about our family but about the One who has given us an invitation to into His eternal family. I want everyone who reads this post to take about 4 minutes of their time and watch this video . Go ahead. Watch it. I dare you.

Do you know Him? Do you really know why we celebrate Easter? Christ died for you! Yes you!! He took all your faults, all your dirty little secrets, all your rebellion, all your shame and cast them away from you as far as the east is from the west. It's done. They're gone. All you have to do is believe that it's been done. Believe in the One who did it for you. He died. He conquered death and the grave and He lives forever. He loves you so much more than you could ever imagine and he longs to have a relationship with you. Praise God, our Risen King!! That's my King! Do you know Him?

To find out all about this King and how you can know Him, you are officially invited, by me, to be a part of our church's Easter service. Go to this link for the times and locations. Don't worry. You won't stand out as a "visitor." There will be so many other people there, you can tell them you've been a member of the church for years and they wouldn't know any different. But I don't recommend lying in church, especially on Easter Sunday :)

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