Monday, January 19, 2009

Confessions Of A "Real Mom"

I don't know about you, but I love reading other people's blogs. I could read them all day if I had the time but after a while you start to feel a little down on yourself. I read blogs of moms who feed their children nothing but organic homemade foods, shop on $35 a week and wake up each morning at 5:30 in order to have their quiet time and shower before their kids wake up. These women seem to do it all. They are crafty, economic, super spiritual super moms who make the rest of us think we're slackers for giving our kids bottled juice. I'm not knocking these women; I'm just saying that some of them give off this image of a woman that I think I may never live up to. For those of you "real moms" out there, here's a little bit about me. I'm not saying I'm proud of these things or condone them but it's me. With God's grace and a little self discipline, maybe one day I too can be a "super mom!"

I wake up when my kids wake up and not a minute before. Yes, I could get a lot of things done before 7:00 each morning, but I like to sleep.

I sometimes get dinner at a drive through. I know, put down your phones and please don't call social services on me. I think it's every kid's American right to experience a Happy Meal at least once in their little lives! I will say that I am proud of what I feed my family. I've started buying more organic foods and less processed "junk" but drive through dinners do happen around here, although, not as much as they use to.

I sometimes stay in my pjs until the kids go down for their afternoon naps.

I drink diet Mt Dews. Yes, I know diet drinks have all kinds of chemicals that one day may turn my skin green and cause my nose to melt off my face but I love 'um. Try and make me stop :)

I go over buget almost every week. Hey, at least I have a budget, right?

I have sporatic quiet times. This is something I really want to improve on. I know this should be the first thing I do each day and I constantly pray for consistancy it this area. Anyone else struggle with this?

I prefer tv over books. The last thing my brain can handle at the end of the day is reading. I need something mindless, like The Office :)

I give Marty my "left overs." You know, the rest of me that the kids haven't already taken that day. Now, when was the last time I shaved my legs.......??

I don't put nearly as much effort into my friendships as I should. This is something I want to improve ASAP. I want to be one of those ladies who talks to at least one of her girlfriends everyday and makes time to go out and do things with other women. Anyone have plans this weekend?

It takes me forever to put away laundry. It will sometimes sit, folded in the clothes basket, until it's time to do more laundry. Poor Marty sometimes has to fish out his socks in the dark at 5:30 am before work. Ugg...

Well, that's me. Any other "real moms" out there? If so, give me one "real mom" or if you don't have kids "real woman" fact about yourself. Let's get it out into the open. This one's for you!!


Chelsea said...

Love this post! Thanks for keeping it real! My confession: I slack on ironing A LOT, and poor Arnaud often has to iron a shirt the morning of in order to have something to wear to work! I'm trying to be better- the problem is that I'm lazy!! :)

The Cox Family said...

This post could have been on my blog. You described me totally!

veronicagreear said...

I am WAY too impatient with my kids for just being kids; ie, spilling their applesauce (that is NOT organic but IS "no sugar added") all over the clean shirt we just put on. I am trying to make sure I apologize when I get upset about things like that. Hopefully my kids know that mommy is a sinner just like them but she is growing in God's amazing grace.

Andrea said...

Good post! We all have to remember that no one is as perfect as they appear in real life or on a blog! We all have our passions/convictions in life, which usually means that we are lacking in some other areas! I watch way too much t.v.-- it's on all the time, even when i am doing other stuff! I also don't get up early, have been known to go through the Krispy Kreme drive through, and I always spend way too much at the grocery store (and there are only two people in our house)!