Thursday, February 12, 2009

Goings On

Even though our lives have seemed busy busy busy, nothing too exciting has happened around the Pearce house. Poor Addison is trying to cut her first tooth (possibly 2 at once) which has made for one fussy baby. She is still waking up 2-3 times a night which has made for one sleepy mommy! Hudson has been his usual cute self and is enjoying his new swing set! We sold our sit and stand stroller on craigslist and used that money to snatch up an awesome deal on a swing set and a double jogging stroller. We got such good deals on both that we only had to pay$40 out of pocket! Yesterday was my birthday and we had a fun family day at home. We went on a walk to try out the new stroller and I even got an afternoon nap! Marty went to the Duke game last night so we had to sport our Blue Devil apparel. Well, that's about it. I know you're jumping out of your seat over this one :)
My beautiful birthday roses from Mom and Dad.
My view from the stroller. Addison loves starring at Hudson!

My sweet babies. Addison is waving at the camera!

#1 Duke Fan!

Hudson enjoying his new swingset.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

That is an awesome swing set!!!!