Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh Sweet Potty!!

He's actually doing it! Hudson is actually wanting to use the potty. I though I may have to pack diapers for his first day of kindergarten but we may have turned a corner :) I made Hudson a sticker chart yesterday and told him that if he went to the potty and filled his chart with 10 stickers that he could pick out a new dirt bike toy. I guess that's all the motivation he needed because he wore big boy undies all day with only 1 accident. Woo-hoo!! I put a diaper on him today for playgroup and he actually cried and told me that he wanted to be a "big boy." Good for you buddy :)


Andrea said...

Good job Hudson! It's amazing what motivates children!

Courtney said...

Hooray Hudson!!!! Way to go!