Monday, November 3, 2008

Addison: Two Months

Our sweet girl is two months old!! She has lost her newborn look and is turning out to be one cute baby! She smiles every time she sees her daddy and loves to give us sweet baby cues. She is still eating every 3 hours and sleeps in 5 hour stretches at night. Yay!! She has her 2 month check up on Friday so I'll fill you in on her weight and length then. Hudson is interacting with her more. He will walk up to her and say "hey sweet girl, give us a smile?"
Addison was dedicated at church yesterday and unfortunately we didn't bring the camera but I'm hoping someone got a shot of her. She looked adorable in her little brown sweater dress.
Bumbo baby.

Check out her dimple on the left cheek. Hudson has one on his right cheek! God must have paired them up in heaven:)

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