Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Child's A Genius!!

I just had to dedicate an entire blog post to the genius that is my child.

This one...

The verdict is still out on this one. I kid, I kid. She is equally as smart although far more sassy.
But back to Hudson. I mentioned in an earlier post that Hudson loves the website He's mastered the sounds of all the letters so I took it a step further to see if he could put some sounds together. Wow!! My child is a reader! He can sound out almost any three letter word you throw at him. After a couple of days of reading random words, I wrote out some sentences while we were playing with sidewalk chalk. There are only so many sentences you can make with two and three letter words, so my child proudly read "Pip is a dog." and "I am a fat pig." Don't judge. I ordered him some beginner books that have only two and three letter words so I'm sure he'll have some more intelligent things to read in the near future. What a smartie!


The Taylors said...

I'm laughing at I'm a fat pig. We are at the same point so I totally can relate to making up goofy sentences just to hear your kid read. BTW, we got BOB books. Which ones did you order?

Move In Ready Home! said...

Hey Brook! I've heard the BOB books are great. I ordered a set of 10 beginner readers from the Scholastic Book Club. Hudson brought a flyer home from preschool with a special on those books so I thought I'd give them a try. I also know that A Beka has a great set of beginner books.