Thursday, January 7, 2010


You've probably noticed a lack of post around here. Well....I think I've gone stale. I can't think of anything to write about. Nothing. I haven't posted any new pictures because I don't have access to a camera all the time like I use to. Oh yeah, I could have written about that!

Here's what happened. Thanksgiving day I was loading dirty dished into the dishwasher when I saw our camera...floating in a bowl of dirty water. It was awful! I would have taken a picture of it know. I'm thinking a certain 3 year old (not naming names) knocked it off the ledge that sits above our sink into the bowl of dishwater. Needless to say it's ruined and I've been sharing a camera with Marty. He has one that he uses for inspections so I don't have it at home very often. We've been camera shopping and I found exactly what I want (Nikon D3000) but the price is a little high (maybe a lot high) and since we've had some unexpected expenses come up in the past few weeks it looks like we'll be buying a basic camera, which really is all we need.

So back to a lack of topics to write about. Is there anything you'd like to know about us. I know you're out there reading. I have Google Analytics :) Curious about our daily routine? How me and Marty met? How we decided on our kids names? Favorite Cook Out milkshake flavors? Ask away. I'm always curious about the lives of the people whose blogs I stalk :) You can leave your identity anonymous on the comment section or if you're really brave..leave your name and say "hey!"


The Taylors said...

Oh no! So sorry about the camera. Well okay, since you asked. I'm going to ask the question we seem to get all the time. Are you going to have more kids or is Addison the caboose?

Courtney said...

Answer all those questions you posted, plus Brook's. And also I would love for you to post your story of coming to know the Lord.